Family Faith Friends

Setting the table for breakfast in the morning, I put the table runner down. It was a gift and this is the first time I used it. The words on it made me smile. This gift was given to me by someone who I cherish as a very dear friend. She is also family, seeing as how we share grandkids. And, faith is the grace filled gift that knits us together for eternity. When Chuck and I moved to Missouri, Leslie and John welcomed Chuck home and included me without a second thought. Since then we’ve created a Christmas morning tradition that would only be better if some of our kids or grandkids could join us around the table.
This afternoon, we made the rounds to our farm framily. Visiting our farmer, then his kids, grandson and great grandkids too as we delivered holiday treats. Yesterday, I did the same to my hillclimbing girlfriend and her family and hillbilly kiddos. These folks have all welcomed us into all things, farm life and fun here in the Ozarks. We can spend hours chatting with them getting work done outside, and enjoying the fresh air. We are blessed and glad for how they’ve helped us live this place even more!

This year, my two are in Colorado and Tennessee with their partners. Chuck’s girls are in Georgia and South Carolina. And, Josh is fulfilling Navy commitments with Jenny and the kids in Virginia Beach. We are grateful that we got to see some of them this past month, and grateful also for our friends turned family that makes the holiday season feel sweet..Merry Christmas everyone and amazing Blessings for 2024!