• Blog-Terri


    I learned a lesson and patience this year. The weather looked promising and the times for planting on the back of the seed packets said that it was good to plant in April.…

  • Blog-Terri


    Short visit but long hours snuggled up with precious new family. I feel more resolute than ever to protect our family’s babies from 0 to 22. That’s why you don’t see kids or…

  • Blog-Terri


    Pond puppies found the perfect way to cool off this week. And, Eastern kiddos discovered the fun of farm and creek days the farm. an Everyone was sun kissed, muddy and hungry at…

  • Blog-Terri

    Healthy Clean Food

    Gardens produce, according to the season. It is the time that we share produce with friends and coworkers. It is a time when we are all reminded just how precious fresh food is.…

  • Blog-Terri


    Fresh from the garden means summer heat has arrived.Fresh fluffy puppies are learning farm ways Fresh baby sweetness means our family is growing as well. May God of the harvest bless all our…

  • Blog-Terri

    Who will train whom?

    We acquired a couple farm boys and after a deep clean and tick wash they’re settling in at the farm. We already adore their smiley faces and they’re quick learners but not yet…

  • Blog-Terri


    This weekend at the farm required more than a little bit of flexibility. The plans our farmer had made to bail hay were impacted by the weather. Although, I did see that another…

  • Blog-Terri


    When. your cousin calls to say his sister’s house, was hit by trees after a tornado… You change your plans and go help. When the boys call and tell you, the truck is…

  • Blog-Terri

    Sunday glimpses

    Our 1st mile long swim in the lake for the season. Plenty more miles spent on the lawnmower. And, time watching the spring time growth on the peach trees, and across the property.…