
Always One in the Crowd

See her? Henny penny peeking upside down when I tucked the chickens into bed for the night. There’s always one who marches to the beat of her own drum. One who hurried to the coop at the first sign of dark or trouble and another who lingers as long as she possibly can before heading into the coop for bed. And, evidently an upside down bird too! The co-op instructions said each bird needs one foot of roost and then all right squish on one roosting bar. Bird brains or smart, we are not sure.

The boys are the same too. One follows his nose and loves to wallow deep in the muddy pond. The other only dips his toes and watches for critters on the horizon. One out in front and the other bringing up the rear. They explore and play for hours on end. And, thankfully one of them or perhaps using teamwork, they find their way home for dinner.