
The message at church today was about peace. Not world peace or hippy peace signs but peace that comes only from God and His Word which can lift us past our worries and comfort us through the challenges of life. I didn’t have any challenges today. I enjoyed church with my man, filled my belly full of lunch and road the big nasty hill with my pal. She even treated me to a little birthday surprise that I later filled with hot tea to cure my afternoon chill from our windy pedal. As I sipped my tea and surveyed the nativity scene I’d set up earlier today, I said a prayer for all our kids and grandkids. Life is not easy but it’s so much more enjoyable (and stress free) when we let God take care of the stuff that’s too big for our human bodies and brains to bear. Faith in Him and His better plan is what we need amid the Christmas season and always.
Mary was pregnant and Joseph was led by God to marry her despite a confusing situation. There was no room at the inn but Joseph trusted God and He provided a place for Jesus to be born. The wise men didn’t know where the star in thee East would take them, but they went anyway. The shepherds left their flocks despite their job to stay with their flock. God provided peace and direction in every bit of our Savior’s story and He will do the same for us, if only we let him!