
as I prepared some extra baking, sourdough loaves, and single pot dinners this week for Chuck, as I am away for our leadership conference, I found comfort in these comfort foods. it is nice to spend time making something delicious. It’s not just about avoiding store-bought, chemical filled foods. It’s also about taking time and care to get something ready for someone you love.

some thing is simple as ground beef, cabbage, onions, garlic, peppers, and carrots is nourishing for the body . And these days, it’s a fraction of the cost of trying to buy prepared food or going out to eat. These days as research has begun to show just how disturbing it is to consider the impact of the chemicals, preservatives, and dangerous ingredients in manufactured foods and even things we thought were natural and healthy like an apple, I’m more motivated than ever to prepare homegrown food. And, with a sweet grandbaby on the way, as the kids prepare for her arrival I am also motivated to share what I’m learning not just for my own health to be around for that baby but for their family as well, to not be poisoned by the awful things ‘big food’ tries to suck us into.

Preparing a meal. Preparing a home for a new baby. Preparing for the future by being wise with what we put in our bodies. Perhaps these are the very most important things we can be focused on in this crazy world we live in! and