He is Risen

It is already Easter weekend, and spring is definitely in bloom. The dogwoods are peeking out throughout the woods, and the sassafras tree is beginning to turn green. Talking to the kids this morning, but Colorado crew is eagerly expectant for baby Clara to arrive and touring homes to find just the right spot to settle into as a family. The Tennessee crew has building projects, sports, and plenty a family time in store as well. What a joy it is to see the kids’ lives blossoming, just like spring, with its newness, and Easter, with Jesus’ offer of salvation and security.

A little further away, an engagement in South Carolina, will bring joy and new members into our family fold. And, way over in New Zealand, my niece’s new born baby is just the perfect springtime blessing. 2024 is shaping up to be a whole bunch of new adventures, fresh starts, and joyful, newborn baby snuggles for the Hintz & McCullah clan.