• Blog-Terri


    The chicks were a little quicker into the coop tonight maybe because of the heat lamp’s roses glow or perhaps because I bribe them with cottage cheese! The heatwave finally broke and they…

  • Blog-Terri

    Hot Chicken Wings

    Our little chicklets are learning to catch crickets and navigate the ramp to the coop. Our big bad Botto dog isn’t sure what to think but he’s been a good big so far.…

  • Blog-Terri


    They are cute as can be. Our little flock of chicks arrived this week. I think they like the chicken condo, so far. Mostly, I think they like their cool water and full…

  • Blog-Terri


    It’s like a magic pot. On Monday, I put a big piece of lamb in the slow cooker,. Then, all week long I kept the meal going by just adding some more vegetables…

  • Blog-Terri

    Time shared

    Every summer, for our wedding anniversary I slip on the white dress I wore when we got married in my backyard in Georgia and Chuck puts on the fishing shirt he wore that…

  • Blog-Terri


    Friday night a big storm passed through. We finished dinner by candlelight and settled in for the night. The next morning we had coffee thanks to our gas stove and were comfy thanks…

  • Blog-Terri

    Cornflower Blue

    The corn flowers bloom, and fill the roadside out near our farm. It is a wonderful time of year as the heat sends the garden into full growing mode. The bees are buzzing…